Non-traditional methods of treating varicose veins are actively used even in official medicine. Varicose veins are damage to the vessels that carry blood from the organs to the heart. It is necessary to treat the disease so that it does not have serious consequences. How to treat varicose veins at home with folk remedies, you will learn from the article.
Which doctor to contact
Only a phlebologist can conduct a full examination, restore the image of the disease and diagnose the pathology. This doctor correctly selects treatment for varicose veins of the lower extremities and small pelvis, congenital vascular anomalies, spider veins and thrombosis of internal veins. Prescribe conservative treatment of the disease or recommend surgery.
The first signs of varicose veins on the legs: the causes
The first alarming "bells" that herald varicose veins include: fatigue, swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and the onset of drawing pain in the late afternoon. At the initial stage, the symptoms are not very pronounced, so they rarely pay attention to them. All signs tend to manifest at the end of the workday.
The main reasons are:
- heredity, congenital anomalies of veins and connective tissue;
- tumors and fistulas in the extremities, wounds;
- previously transferred thrombophlebitis;
- rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis;
- constipation or taking hormonal drugs;
- sedentary work, standing for a long time;
- obesity, malnutrition;
- high heel, abuse of bad habits (alcohol and alcohol).
What will help fight varicose veins: folk remedies
There are several methods to treat varicose veins without surgery:
- sclerotherapy (injection of a certain substance into dilated veins);
- laser therapy (destroys varicose veins, closes the lumen of the vessel and leads to resorption of the vein);
- hirudotherapy (placement of leeches in the damaged areas);
- pharmacological treatment (venotonics, anticoagulants, ointments, gels and creams);
- folk remedies (apply blue clay, drink grape juice, lotions from green tomatoes, baths with the addition of essential oils).
herb collection
Various plants are used to treat varicose veins with home remedies. Pay attention to medicinal comfrey root and marshmallow, chamomile leaves, chestnut flowers. You can mix the herbs listed in a ratio of one to one, dilute in a glass of water. Then boil and make therapeutic compresses up to three times a day.
green or red tomatoes
In the treatment of varicose veins at home, the most common green tomato is used. It is necessary to pick a vegetable from a bush, cut it into slices and place it in places where the knots are especially noticeable. Leave until you feel a slight burning sensation. Rinse the areas where the compresses are made. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day. The nodules begin to disappear after two weeks.
As for ripe red tomatoes, they can also be used, just in a slightly different way. Cut the tomato into slices, chop and spread on a cheesecloth. Apply to the affected area for four hours. Then change the compress to a new one.
The procedure for treating varicose veins with leeches is called hirudotherapy. The therapy does not belong to traditional medicine, but many doctors recognize its effectiveness. Advantages of treating varicose veins with leeches:
- has practically no contraindications;
- prevents the formation of new blood clots;
- does a great job cleaning up the blood;
- it is not capable of harming the health of the patient.
It is important to properly distribute leeches throughout the body, it is contraindicated to apply them to the inner surface of the thighs. Basically, they are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Which vein to adhere to, the leech chooses for itself. After the first course of treatment, you need to take a four-month break.
Sodium bicarbonate
The use of ordinary soft drinks will help relieve painful conditions with varicose veins. Take water at a temperature of 38 degrees and dissolve 200 grams of salt, add 70 grams of alum. Stir and take a foot bath for a quarter of an hour.
Apple cider vinegar
Effective in the treatment of varicose veins at home, ordinary table apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to moisten the disk and rub the liquid into the problem areas. The procedure is carried out for several minutes in the morning and in the evening. If the expansion is extensive, rub every day. Course duration up to 30 days.
Apple cider vinegar can be added to foot baths. Cold water is used, into which a liter of solution is poured. Baths last 20 minutes, give an impressive tonic effect. In the end, do not wipe the skin, lie down with your legs up.
Apple Cider Vinegar Uses
Using ordinary apple cider vinegar, you can make douches or rinses. They won't help cure varicose veins, but they will greatly relieve the condition and keep the veins in good shape. For spraying, 250 ml of vinegar is diluted in 0. 3 liters of water. The feet are rinsed from the feet to the knees, three times a day for several months.
You can make acetic bandages for the feet. Gauze is moistened in vinegar and wrapped around the legs, wrapped with cling film. Hold for an hour, do the procedure every day.
Characteristics of the treatment according to the place of occurrence.
Varicose veins on the face
Varicose veins on the face are called rosacea. To avoid its appearance, as well as during and after treatment, some skin care rules must be followed:
- compliance with the diet;
- physical Culture;
- avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
- use creams with anticouperosis action.
Various methods and means are used for treatment:
- special cosmetics;
- mesotherapy (injections to strengthen capillaries);
- ozone therapy (introduction of a mixture of oxygen and ozone);
- phototherapy (exposure to intense pulsed light);
- electrocoagulation (cautery with electrodes);
- laser therapy (the effect of a laser on a diseased area).
- darsonval (with a mild degree of the disease).
Reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities
The treatment of home remedies for reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities can be done after consulting with the doctor. At the first symptoms of the appearance of veins in the legs, it is necessary to start treatment. Includes the use of the following plants:
- For the elasticity of blood vessels: horse chestnut tincture (100 g of chopped horse chestnut, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave to infuse for 20 days, shake occasionally, take 40 drops orally 3 times a day).
- To relieve pain and heaviness in the legs: powdered nutmeg (1 teaspoon of powder taken in the morning before meals with water).
- To improve blood circulation: verbena infusion (2 tablespoons of plant leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath for half an hour, take 1 tablespoon every three hours).
- For topical use - tincture on birch buds (fill a glass bottle halfway with birch buds, pour vodka to the top, leave to infuse for 10 days, shake daily, lubricate diseased areas with the finished tincture).
Varicose veins of the deep veins of the lower extremities
Conservative treatment includes:
- venotonics for local and internal use;
- anticoagulants;
- vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate);
- fibrolytic intravenously (with the formation of blood clots).
Supporters of traditional medicine can use: calendula baths, horse chestnut tincture for rubbing, compresses from aloe leaves.
trophic ulcers
The appearance of ulcers with varicose veins indicates an advanced stage of the disease, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is often prescribed:
- antiseptics;
- antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs;
- prevention of blood clots;
- means for tissue repair;
- immunostimulants;
- vitamins, antihistamines (in some cases).
Also considered effective in the fight against trophic ulcers ultraviolet radiation, laser therapy.
Varicose veins during pregnancy
Varicose veins resulting from the lips during pregnancy should not be taken lightly by women. If during the gestation of a child you are concerned about itching, dryness, severe pain, irradiation to the perineum or sacrum, swelling, problems with urination, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness, then you should contact a phlebologist. . The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe an ultrasound scan and tests, and then you can proceed with treatment.
First of all, conservative therapy is carried out, which includes taking venotonics, angioplatelet agents, wearing compression underwear, massage and therapeutic exercise. If conservative treatment fails, surgery is performed.
It is not recommended to start any disease, you need to start treatment from the appearance of the first signs.
In the case of varicose veins during pregnancy, therapy begins with light therapeutic exercises twice a day, which improves blood circulation in the veins. Afterwards, rub the legs with massage movements for 5-10 minutes.
For walks, trips to the store, you need to buy compression underwear (tights, stockings). The doctor will prescribe topical creams and, if necessary, medications for oral administration.
You can use folk remedies for rubbing before bedtime (50 g of chopped horse chestnut pour 250 ml of vodka).
Varicose veins after childbirth
In the early stages, postpartum varicose veins can be cured with medication, in the later stages, with the help of medication, unpleasant symptoms are relieved.
Treatment should include physiotherapeutic procedures to improve blood circulation in the legs, massage, gymnastics. A set of special exercises has been developed that can be performed even during lactation:
- 2-3 times a day "bike";
- standing on the whole foot, stand on the heels and roll on the toes, then back (perform 10-15 times);
- walk 3-4 hours daily.
Varicose veins of the uterus
Three methods are used to treat varicose veins of the small pelvis:
- Conservative: venotonic drugs, anticoagulants, exercise, physiotherapy.
- Surgical: laser coagulation of damaged vessels, removal of veins.
- Non-traditional methods: tincture prepared on the basis of horse chestnut, infusion of hop cones.
How to treat varicose veins in women and men.
The first step is to select funds for topical application, depending on the nature of the disease and its symptoms. For the treatment of varicose veins, various drugs have been developed to restore the walls of blood vessels, prevent thrombosis, normalize the venous system, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and are also capable of healing trophic ulcers.
It is worth considering that the treatment of varicose veins in men is different from the treatment of varicose veins in women.
Tablets should restore damaged blood circulation in the legs, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce inflammation and normalize lymph flow in the extremities.
The following methods are also used:
- In the initial stages, hirudotherapy is used - treatment with leeches.
- With vascular "asterisks", hydrotherapy is effective.
- It is necessary to take care of the acquisition of compression stockings, the products must correspond to the stage of the disease.
- Massages and baths are also helpful. It is very important to monitor your diet during the treatment period.
Men are prescribed drugs that can normalize blood viscosity and strengthen the venous wall. For the man (as well as for the woman), special therapeutic knitted underwear is made. If seals, knots with varicose veins appear, then sclerotherapy will be effective. At an advanced stage, surgical intervention is indispensable.
Varicose veins in men.
A more effective method to cure testicular varicose veins is surgery. It is produced in three ways:
- laparoscopy (a probe with a camera is inserted into the scrotum, with the help of which the operative process is monitored, the next day the patient is allowed to go home);
- open surgery (leaves a scar, requires a long rehabilitation period);
- Marmar method (a dissection is made through a microincision).
Red spots on the legs with varicose veins.
If red spots appear on the legs during the period of varicose veins, then conservative treatment will not be relevant. A similar symptom is considered a sign of a neglected form that requires surgical intervention. You can try to avoid surgery if the red spots have appeared recently. To do this, several points must be observed:
- eat well, eat low-calorie foods;
- wear compression medical underwear;
- to strengthen blood vessels, take venotonics;
- use topical gels, creams, ointments;
- perform therapeutic exercises recommended by the doctor.
what exercises to do
Special exercises also contribute to the treatment of varicose veins. They relieve heaviness in the legs, improve blood circulation and prevent blood stagnation in the veins. Especially often such exercises have to be performed by people who constantly sit or stand at work.
A set of effective exercises:
- Sit on a chair, press your legs against each other and lower them, first on the toes, then on the heels.
- Rest your palms on the table and stand on your toes. Hold the position for a few seconds, lowering back onto your heels.
- Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Stand on your toes and heels. Do the exercise on one leg first, then the other.
- As you inhale, raise your hands and stand on your toes. As you exhale, relax and lower your arms.
- The stops move to the sides. Lift your legs up and down, then move to the right and left.
- Stand on your toes in a sitting position. Repeat up to two dozen times.
anti-cellulite massage
Anti-cellulite massage during the period of the disease is acceptable if it is not in an advanced stage. Contraindications include thrombophlebitis. These diseases have a similar origin and, at a certain stage, treatment:
- wear medical slimming underwear;
- massage;
- proper nutrition.
What else is useful to know about varicose veins?
It is extremely important to eat right with varicose veins. You must eat certain foods that strengthen the body and blood vessels. They reduce weight, normalize the metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is also important to drink eight glasses of room temperature water throughout the day. Drink most of the water in the morning. Useful for people with varicose veins mint tea.
What to give up:
- limit salt and sugar;
- bakery products;
- wheat flour products;
- spicy foods, any choice of seasoning;
- fatty meats and fish;
- all smoked meats, canned foods;
- Mayonnaise;
- alcoholic drinks;
- strong black tea, as well as natural coffee.
Compression underwear for varicose veins: which is better
The choice of underwear is quite diverse: it is stockings, stockings and stockings. The product is selected depending on the location of the modified veins. If the varicose "pattern" is localized in the area of the legs, then they reach the height of the knees, if it extends higher - stockings or pantyhose. For men, ordinary knitted underwear is made, and women can choose according to their taste - only transparent or with a pattern. The variety of signatures does not mean differences in operation, they can only differ in their design.
Medical treatment
Darsonval is a physiotherapeutic method for the treatment of varicose veins. It is based on an effective current of high frequencies, but of weak force. Darsonvalization is used in combination with other methods of conservative treatment. It has contraindications:
- thrombophlebitis;
- arrhythmia;
- the pregnancy;
- lupus;
- cancerous diseases;
- elevated body temperature.
Ointments for varicose veins, which are used for treatment, include heparin in the composition, they have a resolving property. Other means are also used:
- Ointments used for prophylaxis during pregnancy and at the initial stage of the disease, developed on the basis of venoactive components.
- Ointments with anti-inflammatory effect are non-steroidal drugs.
- Ointments that can relieve inflammation and have anti-allergic properties, with concomitant diseases of the legs.
disease prevention
Prevention of varicose veins includes:
- wear compression medical underwear;
- weight control;
- rejection of bad habits;
- foot and lumbar massage;
- light exercise (cycling, jogging, aerobics, swimming);
- foot baths with the addition of pine salt;
- hot and cold shower;
- substitution of animal fats for vegetable oils;
- control of intestinal function, timely treatment of chronic colitis;
- refusal to wear high heels.
These are the main measures that will help in the treatment of varicose veins with home remedies. It is important to take a responsible approach to the treatment process, be sure to constantly monitor the condition of the doctors.